For about three years, I have attempted to blog to keep friends and family apprised of our lives and our various mission focuses. Recently I decided to clean up my blog and relocate it in an attempt to “get serious” in communicating with others about our mission in life. In the past I made no real attempt to share my blog with more than a few close friends and family.
This year as I prayed about and made my “New Year’s Resolutions”/goals, it became clear God wanted to use my blog to “force” me to use my writing abilities to share His purposes in our lives with you. I have no idea where this will lead – maybe nowhere in the world of blogging. However, I am sure wherever it leads or does not lead in the Internet world, He will use it to shape and mold me.
Isn’t that how it usually works. He gives us an assignment/goal/leading. We jump to conclusions about what He is really saying, what we think this means in our lives. Then later, usually much later, we have an “aha” moment where we realize that, yes while there was purpose in the actual assignment, the more important purpose in our “assignment” is how He uses it to change who we are and how we view the world. The core purpose is revealed in the heart change that occurs as we obey. Thus as I plug along this year with the full intent of wholeheartedly giving myself to the assignment, I am most looking forward to seeing how God uses it to influence who I am and who He is to me.
One of the things I am doing in my more serious approach to blogging, is to learn more about the mechanics of it, how bloggers interact with each other, how the community of bloggers helps each other, what makes it successful, etc. Earlier this year during my transition to a more concentrated blogging experience I participated in a blogathon. Now I am participating in a 100 Day Challenge. This challenge includes doing something everyday to boost your blog. My hope is this will help me boost my blog. My goal is to see how much I can learn from the daily challenges. Feel free to join in with me and other bloggers if you are interested in learning more about blogging. For more information go to Something 2 Offer.
February 17, 2014 @ 2:59 pm
Well stated Machelle. I am glad that you feel so strongly about blogging and learning as part of what God’s plan is for your life. Keep plugging along and learning and you will reach people and touch lives.
Host #BB100
Thaleia (@Something2Offer) recently posted…Thoughtful Spot Weekly Blog Hop #24
February 18, 2014 @ 12:46 pm
Thanks Thaleia. It has been a huge learning curve to do more than just write and post. However, I will keep plodding along! Thanks for your encouragement!
Machelle recently posted…Valentine’s Day: A Change in Perspective
February 18, 2014 @ 12:29 pm
I’m already learning quite a bit from this challenge. Good for you in deciding to share your blog with others. I love your perspective on it as well.
Jean recently posted…Movie Mania (Part 1), Reviews of Movies for the Minors
February 19, 2014 @ 7:01 am
Thanks Jean. Though there is much too learn, I had no idea : ) I am enjoying the process.
Machelle recently posted…New Year’s Resolutions
February 19, 2014 @ 10:15 am
Happy to be taking this challenge along with you. Great things are in store for all of us.
H.O.P.E. Home School Consulting
Angie recently posted…eField Trips
February 19, 2014 @ 2:39 pm
Angie, it will be interesting to see what “great things” are in store for us on this path together!
Machelle recently posted…Valentine’s Day: A Change in Perspective
February 19, 2014 @ 12:30 pm
You’re right in that we try to figure in our own way what HE is wanting us to do. I’m glad you’re using this platform to share with others. I’ll be right alongside you.
I Create Purty Thangs
Julie recently posted…Cleaning Schedule
February 19, 2014 @ 6:31 pm
I look forward to our journey together.
Machelle recently posted…New Year’s Resolutions
February 19, 2014 @ 1:11 pm
I’m enjoying the boost your blog challenge too. I know one way to grow a blog is to do guest posts but I just don’t have time/energy to devote to that. But this challenge is something I can do. I look forward to seeing how my blog grows through it!
Tracy @ Hall of Fame Moms recently posted…My favorite free Math dvds for Kids (from the library)
February 19, 2014 @ 6:33 pm
My plan is slow and steady – not sure what His plan is… I look forward to seeing how the growth happens also.
Machelle recently posted…New Year’s Resolutions: Saying “Yes”
February 19, 2014 @ 2:29 pm
I really enjoy your style of writing. I too try to connect God in any way I can…it keeps Him close (even though I know He always is). Popped over via BYB and am following you by email.. Blessings to you and yours. Marie (you might like my other blog at
Marie recently posted…Counted Cross Stitch Cafe|Strawberry Sharpener
February 19, 2014 @ 6:35 pm
Thank you Marie. I enjoy writing. My challenge is time. Thus I think one of the reasons God chose a blog for me : ) It forces me to make it more of a priority.
Machelle recently posted…Abide
February 19, 2014 @ 7:13 pm
I’m participating in the challenge as well and am excited to see where it takes me in my blogging. Consistent posting has been my issue, as well as deciding how much of my life to share with the world. I’ll be happy to be on the journey with you!
Jessica recently posted…The Anatomy of a Migraine
February 19, 2014 @ 7:27 pm
Jessica, it sounds like we struggle with the same things. I have tried blogging in the past – and failed quite miserably, even at just keeping friends and family up to speed about our lives. I, well really He, has decided I should be more purposeful this time : ) Thus I have set some goals – small ones, like posting once a week at first. I also face the challenge of how much to share. I want to be real, raw and relevant (even thought about using that as a tagline : ) Yet, I do not want to step over a boundary of sharing too much.. Balance. I look forward to hearing down the road how things are going for you.
Machelle recently posted…The Process of Growing
February 19, 2014 @ 9:49 pm
I am so appreciative of this challenge, I have met some new lovely bloggers and hoping to become friends with them 🙂
Terri recently posted…Wednesdays for Women- What does Marriage Mean to You
February 20, 2014 @ 12:26 pm
I have enjoyed it also. I am looking forward to the next segment! Thanks for stopping by.
Machelle recently posted…Christmas Decorations Put Away
February 20, 2014 @ 7:28 pm
What a fantastic perspective you have! I love it! Thanks so much for participating in this challenge. I look forward to getting to know you and your blog more!
Lisa Nelson recently posted…Homeschool Link-Up – Week 22
February 21, 2014 @ 8:14 pm
Thank you Lisa. God is regularly adjusting my perspective. Thanks for stopping by.
Machelle recently posted…Christmas Decorations Put Away
February 24, 2014 @ 8:59 am
Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving the link back to yours! I love this post and really understand. It is hard for me to be consistent as well. I will be really good for a while and then drop off the face of the earth.
It is neat to look at your blog as your mission field or one way you can possibly impact or encourage some people and that helps me to keep it more meaningful and consistent instead of just fluff.
Kristina recently posted…praise song written by a 6 year old
February 25, 2014 @ 1:51 pm
So nice to meet you through this blog challenge! I like your blog layout. (I can also relate to just putting away all the Christmas decorations. LOL)
Sara @ Embracing Destiny recently posted…Literary Virtual Field Trip: Anne of Green Gables